Souvenirs you actually want

The word “souvenir” is actually borrowed from the French language. It means “to remember.” The word was adopted in the 18th century, which has its origins from the Latin meaning, ‘occur to the mind.’ So why on want typical, smelly, eerie souvenir shops to “occur to our mind” when “remembering” the sweet memories of our vacations? I’m not … Continue reading Souvenirs you actually want

From my notebook:

While there are glaring dangers in categorization and putting concepts and ideas into boxes, we generally need them as ways of understanding our world. It’s a way of identifying and making sense of everything, from knowing the difference between a table and chair, to strengthening your relationships or better understanding them. When learning a second (or third, or … Continue reading From my notebook:

Taking a French train? There’s an app for that

While train travel isn’t always the cheapest option for moving around, especially with the increasing popularity of discount airlines such as RyanAir and EasyJet, it’s still my go-to, even when looking for a little weekender. Especially for staying within France, I’m extremely satisfied with French train company SNCF. Even while on strike, the TGV and … Continue reading Taking a French train? There’s an app for that